Details of Defendants:
Ambrose Kelly International (Eastern Europe) Limited
Company Number: 179172
Registered Office: The Priory John's Street West Dublin 8
Ambrose Kelly
Fleming's Court, Fleming's Place, Dublin 2
Connie O'Reilly
4 Raglan Road, Dublin 4
Dublin District Court
District Justice Mary Devins
Alleged Offence(s):
The defendants were alleged to have contravened Section 202 of the Companies Act 1990, which requires the keeping of proper books of account. The allegations related to the financial years covering the period from 30th April 1994 to 30th April 1999.
On a plea of guilty on two counts covering the periods 30th April 1994 and 30th April 1995 the Court convicted the Company and imposed fines on the company totalling €600 and awarded costs to the prosecution of €208.
On a plea of guilty on two counts covering the periods 30th April 1994 and 30th April 1995 the Court convicted Ambrose Kelly director and imposed fines totalling €500 and awarded costs to the prosecution of €208.
On a plea of guilty on two counts covering the periods 30th April 1994 and 30th April 1995 the Court convicted Connie O'Reilly director and imposed fines totalling €600 and awarded costs to the prosecution of €208.