19 January 2010
In the Matter of The Companies Acts 1963 to 2010 and in the Matter of DCC plc, S&L Investments Limited and Lotus Green Limited, High Court Record Number 2008 No. 189 Cos
Judgment of Mr Justice Kelly delivered on 19 January 2010 concerning such orders as were appropriate under Sections 11 and 12 of the Companies Act 1990 following the delivery to the Court (on 11 January 2010) of the Report of the Inspectors Appointed (Under Section 8 of the Companies Act 1990) to Investigate the Affairs of DCC plc, S&L Investments Limited and Lotus Green Limited.
Click here to access the Report of the Inspector.
Tuesday, 29th July 2008
The High Court today decided to appoint Mr Bill Shipsey, S.C., as Inspector to DCC plc, S&L Investments Ltd. and Lotus Green Ltd.
23rd July 2004
In the Matter of The Companies Acts 1963 to 1990 and in the Matter of National Irish Bank Limited and in the Matter of National Irish Bank Financial Services Limited, High Court Record Numbers 1998 / 89 Cos and 1998 / 132 Cos
Judgment of Mr Justice Kelly delivered on 23rd July 2004 concerning such orders as were appropriate under Sections 11 and 12 of the Companies Act 1990 following the delivery to the Court (on 12 July 2004) of the Report of the Inspectors Appointed (Under Section 8 of the Companies Act 1990) to Investigate the Affairs of National Irish Bank Limited and National Irish Bank Financial Services Limited
Click here to access the Judgment of Mr Justice Kelly.
Click here to access the resulting Order of the Court.
Click here to access the Report of the Inspectors.
Court Orders relevant to the company investigation functions of the ODCE are as follows:
1st July 2002
Following a report from the Director of Corporate Enforcement to the effect that he expected to be able to proceed to publish the Ansbacher report on 6 July, the High Court ordered that no part of the Report be published or disclosed before 9.30a.m. on that day.
28th June 2002
The High Court received a report from the Director of Corporate Enforcement that the publication of the Ansbacher Report would necessarily have to be delayed for a few days beyond the originally scheduled date of Tuesday, 2 July, at noon; View the associated affidavit. 
24th June 2002
Ansbacher (Cayman) Limited.
Order for Printing and Publication of the Inspectors' Report.
Amongst other matters it was ordered by Mr. Justice Finnegan that the entire Report be printed and published in the same format as it was received by the Court and it be made available not earlier than midday on Tuesday the 2nd July 2002.
10th June 2002
Ansbacher (Cayman) Limited.
Presentation of the Inspectors' Report to the High Court The President of the High Court, Mr. Justice Finnegan ordered that the Report be received in Court and that copies be forwarded only to the Director of Corporate Enforcement and to the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment. It was further Ordered that the contents of the Report not be disclosed until such further Order of the Court.
Ansbacher (Cayman) Ltd: The High Court refused on 24 April 2002 an application made by McCann Fitzgerald Solicitors on behalf of two individuals to hear in camera certain proceedings relating to the High Court Inquiry into this Company. The text of the judgement of Mr Justice McCracken
is in the unapproved form circulated in Court. The final version will be substituted as soon as possible.
Supreme Court judgements in the case of Dunnes Stores Ireland Company, Dunnes Stores (ILAC Centre) Ltd and Margaret Heffernan versus Gerard Ryan and the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Ireland and the Attorney General. The text of the judgements made by Justices Herbert
, Murray
and Chief Justice Keane
can be downloaded by clicking on the relevant link.
High Court Orders of 22 September 1999, 5 October 1999 and 8 December 2000 defining the terms of reference of the Inspectors appointed to Ansbacher (Cayman) Ltd. 
High Court Orders of 30 March 1998 and 31 July 2001 defining the terms of reference
of the Inspectors appointed to National Irish Bank Ltd.
High Court Orders of 15 June 1998 and 31 July 2001 defining the terms of reference
of the Inspectors appointed to National Irish Bank Financial Services Ltd.
Many Court judgements relating to the Companies Acts are accessible at www2.bailii.org.
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Download Attachments:
- (JudgementJuly08.pdf
, 3.26 MB)
- (Notice of Motion High Court Inspector.pdf
, 0.13 MB)
- (Judgment_of_Chief_Justice_Keane.pdf
, 0.32 MB)
- (Judgment_of_Mr_Justice_McCracken.pdf
, 0.14 MB)
, 0.02 MB)
- (Judgment_of_Justice_Murray.pdf
, 0.44 MB)
- (NIB_Judgement.pdf
, 0.18 MB)
, 0.05 MB)
- (COURT ORDERS Ansbacher.doc
, 0.03 MB)
- (NIB_Order.pdf
, 0.11 MB)
- (Affidavit_Peter_Durnin_28_June_2002.pdf
, 0.02 MB)
- (Judgment_of_Justice_Herbert.pdf
, 0.09 MB)