« back Disqualification Cases 2005

The Director of Corporate Enforcement AND Nigel D'Arcy.

27 October 2005

Details of Respondent:
Nigel D'Arcy
Address: Castledillon, Straffan, Co Kildare 

High Court, Dublin 

Justice Peter Kelly 

The Application:
Under section 160(2) of the Companies Act 1990 (as amended), the Director of Corporate Enforcement sought the disqualification of Nigel D'Arcy, arising out of the Report of High Court Inspectors into NIB and NIBFS (appointed under section 8 of the Companies Act 1990), which was published in July 2004. 
In a written Judgement dated 26 October 2005, Mr Justice Peter Kelly made an Order disqualifying Nigel D'Arcy for 10 years, under section 160(2) of the Companies Act 1990 (as amended), effective from that date. 

To access Judgment In PDF Format see the downloads section below. 

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Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement
16 Parnell Square, Dublin 1
Telephone: +353 1 858 5800
Email: info@odce.ie