« back Prosecution Cases 2002

The Director of Corporate Enforcement v. James F. Cotter/James F. Cotter and Company(Friday 19 April 2002).

23 April 2002

Details of Defendants:
James F. Cotter/James F. Cotter and Company.

Business Address:                                                                                                                                    302 Galloping Green, Stillorgan Road, Co. Dublin.

Dublin District Court. 

District Judge Conal Gibbons. 

Alleged Offences:
Alleged contravention of Section 187 of the Companies Act 1990 (as amended), which determines the circumstances in which persons are legally qualified to act as auditors. 

On a plea of guilty the Defendant was convicted and fined a sum of €100 in relation to two separate offences under section 187(6) of the 1990 Act, as amended, with a further similar offence being taken into consideration. 

In addition, the defendant was ordered to discharge witness expenses of €150.

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Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement
16 Parnell Square, Dublin 1
Telephone: +353 1 858 5800
Email: info@odce.ie