« back Prosecution Cases 2006

The Director of Corporate Enforcement v Gary Anderson

19 January 2006

Details of Defendant: 
Gary Anderson

Address:                                                                                                                                                       5A Nuns Cross, Ashford, Co. Wicklow 

Dublin District Court 

District Judge Anne Watkin 

Alleged Offence: 
The defendant was charged when acting as an officer of Crest Interiors Limited, that he presented to the office of Permanent TSB, 172 Walkinstown Road, Dublin 12 a falsified document which affected or related to the property or affairs of the company and thereby contravened Section 243(1) and Section 240 of the Companies Act1990 as amended by Section 104 of the Company Law Enforcement Act 2001. 

On a plea of guilty, the Court convicted the defendant and imposed a fine of €500 and awarded costs to the prosecution of €300.

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Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement
16 Parnell Square, Dublin 1
Telephone: +353 1 858 5800
Email: info@odce.ie