« back Freedom of Information (F.O.I.)

01. Can I obtain documents from the ODCE under F.O.I.?

Yes in limited circumstances. The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act only applies to the ODCE in respect of records concerning the general administration of the Office. Records dealing, for instance, with the ongoing compliance and enforcement work of the Office are outside the scope of the Act, because premature disclosure could compromise the Director's ability to investigate and bring to account those suspected of breaching company law. Before making any request, you should satisfy yourself that it falls within the scope of the FOI Act.

Freedom of Information request form is available on this website.  If a qualifying FOI request involves the deployment of significant staff or other resources to fulfil the request, you may be asked to pay a fee to cover administration costs. 


Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement
16 Parnell Square, Dublin 1
Telephone: +353 1 858 5800
Email: info@odce.ie