Our primary role is to ensure that company law is being respected. To assist company officers and others understand and comply with company law, ODCE have published a number of detailed information booklets and quick guide on the role, duties and powers of directors, secretaries, members, etc. under Ireland’s Companies Act.
Where we are satisfied that legal obligations under the Act has been or are being breached, we consider prosecuting the offenders before the Courts or taking other suitable enforcement action.
For further information please refer to the About the ODCE section of our site. You should also register your interest online for updates in ODCE activity.
The ODCE has published a series of
information books and
summary guides dealing with the principal duties and powers of Companies, Company Directors, Company Secretaries, Members & Shareholders, Auditors, Creditors, Liquidators, Receivers and Examiners. These Books have been prepared in order to make the complex provisions of company law more readily understandable to a non-professional audience. However, where anyone has a doubt as to their legal obligations or rights, they should seek
independent professional legal or accountancy advice.